Using Web 2.0 Tools

I have been using web 2.0 tools for awhile but most of what I did was just for fun for me like, facebook, and I have been to so many conferences with sessions on using the tools in the classroom, that I finally decided that it was time to climb on board. It has been a lot of fun.

I gave a seminar last week to teachers and another to the seniors on how to use delicious. I have been using it for years but never shared. It is a social bookmarking site, and it makes it super easy to organize and manage all the websites that one saves and stores but can never find later. If you want to learn about delicious, watch this video-->

I finally made my first screencast using jing. A screencast is a video where the picture is the computer screen and the audio is a recording of your voice describing what is happening on the computer screen. I now have made several of them. Today I worked on one that explains how to use the computerized library catalog that will go on my website.

I have wanted to create a library website for years, way before I ever worked at Patrick Taylor. I have even started building several of them. The sites never got farther than the drawing board and a few words in a program. The other day I signed onto and started to create a site for the Taylor library. It is still in rough draft mode, but it is looking good. I will post the link as soon as it has more working links and pages. That should be very soon.


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