Big News!

Today I accepted a third grant from the Laura Bush Foundation for American Libraries. This time I will have $18,000 to spend on new books for the Patrick Taylor library. I am so excited. The event was held at John McDonogh High in New Orleans. Four other Jefferson Parish schools also won grants. We all went to Lil' Dizzy's Restaurant to celebrate after the presentation.

Here we are in the library of John McDonogh waiting for Laura Bush to arrive. I am in the middle on my left is Colleen Winkler, acting principal. On my right is one of our seniors who is a big reader.

Here is Mrs. Bush on stage with the principal and a student from John McDonogh. The drum line in front of the stage performed.

Here are the librarians, students and principals from Patrick Taylor, West Jefferson, Shneckenberger Elementary, Gretna Middle and Harris Middle in Jefferson. Everyone is thrilled to have received the grant for new books.


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