
It has been a long time since I have been able to spend an afternoon reading. Today I got to do that with no interruptions; it was heaven.

I got an advanced reader's copy of This World We Live In by Susan Beth Pfeffer. She had written two companion books with different characters suffering during the same event, and this third one tied the two together. I loved Life as We Knew It, but I had just never gotten around to reading the second one, The Dead and the Gone. I finished the second book today and immediately started the third.

In a way the books are very creepy. A meteor has struck the moon pushing it closer to earth which has caused havoc around the world with earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, etc. The protagonists in each book learn to survive in a world that is topsy turvy. All feeling very much like what Hurricane Katrina did to us in New Orleans, but in the books there is no where to run for safety.

The characters growth is what drives the stories for me. I plan to recommend all three to my students. I love the idea of companion books over sequels. It gives such an interesting perspective to a story.


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