Looking Forward to Another Week

This week will be a short one with half a day on Thursday and Friday off of school.
I am excited about tomorrow. We will have our first Skype session with an author. More on that after the event. Also, former student Chad Landrum, is visiting for the day. With his help, I plan to start inventory.

I also have two more upcoming author events. On April 20th the authors of The Jaguar Stones are going to do a presentation for the whole middle school at Taylor. They will be taking us on a virtual trip to Central America to learn about Mayan culture. This event is being sponsored by Octavia Books and their publisher, Egmont. I am very excited.
Then I have planned a Saturday field trip for the high school book group. We are going to meet and go see the author of Shiver, Maggie Stiefvater. She is going to be making an in store appearance at Octavia Books, and the students were fans of the book. She is young, and I think that the kids will be able to relate to her.


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