Jewell Parker Rhodes Visits PFTSTA, Again

Yesterday we had the pleasure of a repeat visit from the wonderful author, Jewell Parker Rhodes. She visited in September of 2010 when her book The Ninth Ward was published. The sixth and seventh graders were the fortunate ones who got to participate in her visit then. This year the English teachers, Cheryl Bordelon and Lisa Valence, and I decided to read the book out loud to all the seventh graders. It makes a great read-aloud. If you ever get to hear Jewell read it out loud, you are in for a real treat. She doesn't read the book, she performs it.

Anyway, the students at Patrick Taylor communicated via Edmodo with a group of seventh graders and their teacher, Shawn Hyer, from Van Meter, IA. The Iowa students read the book, too. When we knew that Jewell was coming to New Orleans, we set up a Skype session so the Van Meter kids could participate in the author visit with us.
The Patrick Taylor students are sitting in front of the author and the Iowans are on the screen

Seventh graders in Van Meter, Iowa

Click here to watch the interview with Jewell and two students
More pictures can be found on the library website.


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