Isaac Put a Damper on BRiMS

Enjoying lunch while chatting about the book
On September 7th, the members of BRiMS were finally able to have their first book group meeting of the year. The meeting was originally scheduled for August 29th, the day that Hurricane Isaac blew through town. The school system had closed down the schools for seven days because of Isaac, and we kept changing the date of BRiMS every time the district announced a new return date for the students. It was crazy not knowing day to day when school would reopen. On September 6th, we did get back to work. 

For this event we discussed the Richard Peck book, The Teacher's Funeral. I selected the book because I read it years ago and remembered how funny it was. The story is set in rural Indiana in 1904. This is like living on another planet to today's middle school students. Since I purchased the book for the library, no one had read it. Students at PFTSTA are not big readers of historical fiction. I knew that if I required them to read the book before they could join BRiMS, then they would actually read the book. I thought it was a book that they should read. 

Unfortunately, we had to reschedule the meeting for a day when a lot of other events were happening around school. These were all the events that had to be rescheduled due to Isaac, so turnout was not as high as I wanted. I am hoping that next month there will not be any obstacles thrown at us. 

BRiMS Members


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