Taking Thanksgiving Week Off

All the teachers at school received these before the holiday
I am always working. Even at home I am constantly thinking about ways to improve library programming, and I usually have an electronic device - iPhone or iPad - at hand reading posts on twitter and seeing what is the latest and greatest in ed tech in the classroom. Sometimes we just need to stop, clear our minds and interact with family and friends without work on our minds. 

No, I did not go cold turkey on electronic devices over the nine day break. I still checked my email and made a few Facebook posts for school and the library, but I didn't post here or to the library website or plan the lessons that I will be teaching next week. I just needed some time away. While away I read two and a half books in print and finished an audio book. You could say that those were work because I was reading books that my middle book group will be reading. I just find such great pleasure in reading well written literature that it didn't seem like work to me. Just so you know I finished listening to Rick Yancey's The Fifth Wave, I finished reading Dovey Coe by Frances O'Roark Dowell and The Paperboy by Vince Vawter, and I began The Real Boy by Anne Ursu. 

I received the turkey that you see at the top of this post on the last day before the break. The whole staff at PFTSTA received one. The students were given the task of writing on the feathers and describing what each staff member does that they are thankful for. Our principal instigated it. Her boss who is called the Network Executive Director (NED) asked her to have students complete the slips of papers of thankfulness which were inserted in a letter that he wrote to all faculty members in his NED. It was a great way to begin the holiday, and neither my principal or NED knew that the other had planned a similar activity. 

Tomorrow it is back to work, and the final push to the end of the semester. We are on a block 4 by 4 schedule, so most classes will be done for the year in just three weeks. 


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