First Week of School and the Library was Hopping

First check out for the new year
Okay, I had an idea for a post where I had some pithy comments to make about the opening of the new school year and the library. Since I have been too busy to sit and write, I decided that I would post pictures of our first week showing you the students' interest in the library. It was overwhelming to me. I just want this excitement for the library to last all year long. That is why I spend a lot of time programming for the high school book group, the middle school book group, author visits, skype visits, Teen READ Week, Teen Tech Week, reading challenges, National Poetry Month, and on and on. 

Thanks to Donor's Choose the library got a Lego Station
The new Lego Station  has already seen lots of use

One of the 8th graders who has spent every day at lunch in the library since 7th grade
Chess continues to be a much loved game at lunch time
Luckily, the library has six sets

Library orientation for 6th grade on the third day of school

There are always some diehards who pull out the Dungeons & Dragons game every year
I had a wonderful summer break and spent quality time reading and relaxing. Now that I have been back to work for two weeks, I am so glad to be spending my days with the marvelous kids who attend Patrick Taylor Academy. It is a wonderful school, and the library here is a special place where students can fuel their passions, learn, and experiment, and be accepted for who they are. Can you tell that I love my job?

Excited about the books nominated for Teen's Top Ten


  1. So many engaging things to do in your library spaces. I love the Lego station and chess, as well as the Teen Top Ten cart! Keep up the great work supporting your students.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I want the students to feel welcome, but I also want them to visit the library with a purpose. Sometimes books are not that purpose. Having all these options keeps them engaged.

  4. Love all the photos of everyone! Ibanez loves the Library so much and he is excited you got a picture of him playing Dungeons and Dragons with his friends! Thanks!

    1. You are welcome. I love all the pictures of the kids enjoying the library. That is what it is all about.


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