Getting Ready for 2017-2018

I am to report back to school on August 7th. It has been a great summer of travel, visiting with friends and family, reading, and getting projects completed around the house. Yet, all good things must come to an end, but on the other hand, I really do love my job especially working with so many wonderful pre-teens and teens. Being in the library is the best place to be in any school. There is always something happening and no day is like the previous one.

This will be my twelfth year at Patrick Taylor. Over these years I have developed an incredibly strong program to service the students and teachers through the library. As new teachers arrive I have to get them on board with the school's expectations for conducting research and writing papers and how I can help support the curriculum in their classroom. With the addition of eight new teachers this year, I began thinking of how I will make sure they know what I can do for them and their students.

I did some research and found this from the Mighty Little Librarian, and I used it as my inspiration. On Facebook, I found a librarian (Karen Hoppis at Coal Ridge Middle School in Colorado) who created a menu for her services, but I just saved her work as a photo and cannot find the link to share with you. That helped me too. Then I went to Canva to look for a menu template. I chose one and created what you see below. I did it in black and white so I can print it, but I plan to share with my teachers in electronic format, too.


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