Tales from a Retired Librarian
As of August 1st, I have been officially retired from Jefferson Parish Public Schools. I taught for a total of 41 years--10 in two different early childhood classrooms and 31 in three different school libraries. I knew in August of 2021 that it would be my last, but I did not know how difficult a year that it was going to be.
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Last first day of school in August of 2021 |
First, Hurricane Ida closed the doors to many of the schools in our district for a whole month. We started school in August, but we were out of the building for the entire month of September. Online learning was not an option because there were many who did not have access to electricity or the Internet. Then in November, I was a plaintiff in a litigation trial for two weeks that took a huge emotional toll on me. I finally got my footing in the library, and then at the beginning of February, I lost my dad who was 97 years old. Every time I turned around something else was blocking my path for a normal year. I have been the coordinator for senior awards night and graduation since 2009. Graduation usually occurs in early May, and then I would have about a month to close out the library for the year. Because Ida changed the timing of the school year, graduation was held a week before the last day of school for all students. I made it through graduation but in the late afternoon that Saturday, I tested positive for Covid. I had to miss the last week of school with students. That was a real blow--not being able to give the students a proper goodbye. I was allowed to return for the last day with the teachers. It took me ten days after that to close out the library and pack up my things. I did not get everything done that I would have liked.
Last day of school after a 41 year run June 10, 2022 |
My principal sent me off with a second line umbrella I missed the music of the second line because I was home with Covid |
I have wanted to post an end of the school year message but have not had the emotional energy to get it done. I have lots of notes and messages from students that I plan to share. Leaving school and the library that I created was bittersweet. I loved my job, but it was getting too much for me to be at the top of my game. I knew that it was time to pass the torch. School started for teachers on August 2nd, and I have not looked back. Also on August 2nd, I broke my foot, so there is that.
Oh, my goodness. Congratulations on 41 years, and I hope that you are able to heal now that you are retired. I hope that you are able to enjoy yourself. Go easy on your foot; a couple of years ago I broke mine twice in succession because I went back too quickly. Sending good thoughts your way!