I Succumbed to the Pages of a Brand New Book

I need to be reading a book for my adult book group. We are suppose to read anything by Eudora Welty. That is all well and good. I liked Eudora Welty when I read her 35 years ago. It is just that there are too many new books to read.

I just started Patrick Ness' book, The Knife of Never Letting Go. One of my big readers at school said that she could not get into it because the protagonist speaks in a dialect. It had gotten rave reviews, so I decided that I had to see what all the fuss was about. I am sucked in. It reminds me of one of my last year's favorites, Unwind by Neal Shusterman. I am not a big sci fi reader, but I like the characters of Todd and the girl (no name yet). I imagine that when I finish it I will be anxiously awaiting the sequel.

Just to give you a bit of info on the story. Todd lives in a small town where all the females have died off. He lives with two men who raised him after his parents die. Everyone in town can hear everyone else's thoughts. It is called noise. I loved the story about school. Todd says that school was offered for only a very short time. Since everyone could hear everyone else, all the students cheated because they could hear how their classmates answered the questions on the test.

More later as I get into the book.


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