ALA Part 1: American Library Association Conference was Amazing

I can now finally breathe. I attended my last conference event on Monday evening, but it has taken me two days to recover from the five days of activities. I was in seventh heaven networking with librarians from across the country and meeting all the authors that my students and I love to read.

However, this blog post isn't really about me and my experiences at the conference but about my students. On Sunday, June 26th at 9AM, I met seven of my students; Lisa Valence, a Taylor teacher; and six other local librarians and their teen patrons. I passed everyone a badge, and we stormed the exhibit hall.

We started our journey at the EasyBib booth

After our visit all the girls scattered to visit the booths on their own. Their goal was to find the publishers meet the authors, and pick up the great swag that was available: pens, bags, post its, and books.
Lisa and I wandered the hall with the only boy in my group.
Standing with one of his all time fav sci fi authors, Orson Scott Card
Here I am with fantasy writer, Jonathan Stroud  
Ellen Hopkins is one of the most popular authors in the Patrick Taylor library

Catherine Gilbert Murdock is the author of the Dairy Queen series


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