Happy New Year and Welcome Back to Computer Hell

We returned to school today. We had a wonderful two week and one day break from academia. The last two days before the break there were computer issues at school. Some students and teachers could log on to the Internet. Others could not. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to it. You could be using a hard wired computer or the wifi. I managed okay and was able to print and access all that I needed to and was able to help teachers who could not.

Over break a new server was installed. I am using the brand new  Lenovo laptop that the district gave all the teachers. It is working fine, but I have to tweak it and add all the programs that I like to use, like Chrome. Luckily, all my documents from the old server are accessible from the new computer. BUT..... there is a problem. The new laptop runs Windows 7. I have a desktop that I use for all my library circulation. It has the scanner attached. That computer runs XP. I can't have a 7 profile and a XP profile on the server and have them both synchronize together. So I can't use my desktop until they can get me a new operating system.

Ugh, what a way to start the new year.


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