April is National Poetry Month

It is April, so that means poetry month. I send out a poem daily in an email to all the students and teachers at PFTSTA. I also include a link to a poetry site on the homepage of the library OPAC. This year the link will be to Gregory K.'s GottaBook blog. He includes his own poems on the blog throughout the year, but during April, he asks 30 poets to contribute to his blog each day of the month. He calls it 30 Poets 30 Days. The poems are written by some of the biggest names in children's lit. Check it out.

This year we are going to play the hidden poetry game again. The students will send me poems which I will print out. Then Bookmarked will help cut, roll and tie up all the poetry. One day after school some of the students will help to hide poems all over school. Over the next week, as students find the poems, they bring them to the library. I give them a treat for finding the poem. Each poem is added to the bulletin board outside of the library.

We even add some poems like this: 

How are you going to celebrate Poetry Month with your students?


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