Winning the AASL Information Technology Pathfinder Award was Awesome

I have lots more to share about the 2012 ALA annual conference.

One of the ultimate highlights for me was winning the Information Technology Pathfinder Award from the American Association of School Librarians (AASL). This award is given to two librarians, one at the elementary level and the other at  the secondary level for their innovative approaches to information technology in the school library.

On the first night that I arrived in Anaheim, I am walking through the exhibit hall and see a familiar name, Sally Mays, on the name tag of the person walking by me. Sally was the elementary division winner of the IT Pathfinder Award. We jumped up and down together a bit and shared what winning this award has done for us and our libraries. Both of us were blown away when we received the news that we had won. Unfortunately, we didn't meet up again until the award ceremony on Monday morning, but through social media we should be able to keep in touch.

This is the first award ceremony that my husband was able to attend. Thanks to him, I have a recording of my acceptance speech. Click the play button below to view.

AASL award acceptance speech from Elizabeth Kahn on Vimeo.


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