Teens Write Reviews for New YA Titles

The teens in the high school book group, Bookmarked, have not let me down yet. On November 7th, another set of reviews was published in SLJ Teen. This project has been a big undertaking, but I think that it is totally worth it to have the kids thoughts about what they read get shared with librarians, publishers and authors around the country. As they continue to review books for SLJ Teen until May, Bookmarked was also selected to nominate books for YALSA's Teen's Top Ten program for another two years. The group had to submit an application for one of the five slots that were available for returning groups. Our group was the first ever selected from the Deep South, but this time another local school library was selected too. I know the librarians there and hope that our groups can meet through Skype or maybe even face to face.

Click here to read the latest reviews. Just scroll down and click on the box that says, November 7, 2012.


  1. I figure you go with what works for you. There is no method that works for everyone and that’s why there are so many fantastic variations in opinions and style in the YA blogosphere. This site helps me to my thesis writing on this theme. Do what works for you – and it sounds as if you have :)


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