Speaking to Librarians at the National Catholic Educational Association Conference

Houston school children decorated these boots on display
On April 2nd, I did something that I have never done before. I got on a plane at 6:30AM to go to Houston, and by 7PM that night I was back home in New Orleans and getting ready to walk my dog. Back in October, I received a call from the Catholic Librarian Association (CLA) asking if I would speak at their national conference about using digital resources in the library. I was hesitant at first because I have had to be away from school a number of days this year when I spoke at different conferences around the state of Louisiana. When my principal offered her support, I agreed to speak. As I was making my plans to attend, it just seemed too easy to go up for the day because the flight to Houston is less than an hour. 

There was no where to stand in that room without having shadows on my face
The title of my talk was, "Become a 21st Century School Librarian by Harnessing the Internet." In the talk I gave a run down of all the electronic tools I use to promote the library and the library program at PFTSTA. I brought an edited Prezi that freshman, Mark Parfait, created for my talk for the Louisiana Library Association (LLA). At LLA, I gave a 45 minute presentation.. In Houston, I had 75 minutes to talk. I left about 9 minutes for questions at the end. There were approximately 60 librarians who attended my session. I worried that I overwhelmed them, but I got a nice email from one of the attendees who had a couple of questions and was looking for some additional resources. Here is a link to the online resources that I created to go along with my presentation. 


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