Gearing up for #ISTE13, Can't Wait

 In February, on a whim, my colleague, Lisa Valence and I applied for an ISTE award. ISTE is the International Society for Technology in Education. This particular award is sponsored by the SIG MS or the Special Interest Group Media Specialists. The president-elect for this group is a fellow school librarian in Louisiana, Tiffany Whitehead, and she sent me an email encouraging me to apply. This particular award is given for a collaborative project between the librarian and a classroom teacher.

Our project was called, "Traveling to the Ninth Ward," and it began with the 7th grade students reading Ninth Ward by Jewell Parker Rhodes and ended with a field trip to the Ninth Ward in New Orleans. There is a huge technology component to this project which is why the ISTE SIGMS awarded us their Technology Innovation Award.

Part of the award involves money to attend the ISTE conference in San Antonio in a few weeks. I haven't attended ISTE since it was held in New Orleans as NECC. I am super excited.

You can read a full press release about us and all the ISTE award winners here. Scroll down to the bottom to find Lisa and me (Elizabeth Kahn) mentioned.


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