A Great Turn Out for BRiMS

On Wednesday, the first meeting of the year for the middle school book group was scheduled in the new library. BRiMS is the short name for our Books Rule in Middle School. I set a maximum of 30 students in grades 6-8 for this club. Students signed up ahead of time and 22 showed up. We meet the last Wednesday of every month during middle school lunch. I let the students bring their lunch to the library, and I serve a snack as well. Generally, middle school students cannot bring food into the library-- so that was a nice perk for them. Even though the new library is big enough to house BRiMS and other students, the library was open only for the club members. 

For the first meeting, we introduced ourselves and shared favorite books or favorite genres. The majority of the students are into sci fi and fantasy. I am excited about that because I am too, and there are so many great newly published books in those genres too. In the past, students all read the same book for our monthly meetings. I put it to a vote to see if this group wanted to continue that tradition. About half did and the other half wanted to read their own choice. So I think that we will do a combination. In the months where they pick their own book, we will require them to choose from a specific genre. We already decided on horror for October. I think that we will all read the same book for September. I am working on a special project for that which I will reveal later. As soon as I set up the BRiMS page on the library website, I will link it here


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