Better Late than Never

In my younger days, I was a great procrastinator and often waited to the very last minute to get a paper written or complete a project. I have learned as I have gotten older that it is a lot easier to finish tasks way before the date they are due, especially because it gives you time to fix any problems along the way and still meet your deadline. So I am ashamed to say that since March I have had a video that I shot sitting on my computer. Doing something with it was on my to do list for the summer. I go back to work on Wednesday, so I better get moving on summer to dos or they will never happen.

Over the past several years, our school has been lucky to host 5 to 6 authors each year. After every visit, I have taken the photos and video from the visit and posted on this blog, added to the library website, tweeted and shared in the school newsletter. I try to do this within a few days of the visit.  I think thank yous are important, and this sharing allows me to thank the author, the publisher and local bookstore, Octavia Books, who usually send us the authors. The end of the last school year got away from me. Packing for the move to the new building was just daunting. In March, we had author Aimee Agresti visit us. I did post lots of pictures on line, but I never did anything with the student interview that I recorded. Until now. Finally, I had a few moments to put together a video with this interview. Enjoy!

Interview with author, Aimee Agresti

Get Reading Vol. 2 no. 2 from Elizabeth Kahn on Vimeo.


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