Lovely Gift from the NHS Exec Board

PFTSTA is a small school with 350 students, so I have to wear many hats beyond the librarian one. Seven years ago I initiated our school's chapter of the National Honor Society because I thought a college prep school needed to have NHS. I always have enjoyed working with the seniors who hold office on the executive board, but this year was special. This is the first class that went from 6th to 12th grade, and this group has so many smart kids who are good thinkers with great work ethic and are eager to learn. There are many kids in this class that I am really going to miss next year. 

Today was the last NHS meeting of the year that the senior officers will attend. They took me by surprise when Lauren, the out-going president, handed me a shiny red bag. Inside was the small plaque that you see in the picture below. The inscription brought me to tears. I love this gift because I know that in some way I touched these students's lives. Isn't that what teaching is all about? Making a real connection with my students is what makes me want to get up every morning, and this gift proves to me that all my hard work is appreciated. Thank you Lauren, Alicia, Micquel and Nick for the awesome gift--I really did enjoy the time that we spent working together for the organization as well as getting to know each of you individually as the amazing young adults that you are. I can't wait to hear about all your wonderful accomplishments and achievements after you leave Taylor. I will truly miss you all of you!


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