Fund for Teachers Fellowship 2014

Read about our program on the Fund for Teachers website
It all started way back in the fall when Lisa Valence and I read about a grant that would pay for teacher's professional development in the JPPSS district newsletter. We thought it would be a good way to get a group of us teachers to one of the summer conferences like ISTE or BLC. The application was due in late January. With the move to the new facility in late July, I was backed up and never got a chance to work on the grant. Until..... We were going to have two days off for bad winter weather---sleet and snowy conditions--in southern Louisiana!!! I went around to four teachers, each from a different department, and asked if they would be available on our snow day to work on a grant. We input the info with the rubric on a Google Doc and divided up the sections. Each person wrote a section. Then Lisa and I did some editing to make sure it sounded cohesive. Our English teacher, Cheryl Bordelon, read it for clarity and smooth transitions as well as the nuts and bolts like grammar. In two days we put together a 2500 word grant application asking for $10,000 that sounded pretty good. 

On April 4th, we found out that we won. A group of five us: Cheryl Bordelon, myself, Kelly Maher (technology), Janell Simpson (science) and Lisa Valence (math) will travel to Boston to attend Alan November's Building Learning Communities (BLC) institute. Our principal, Jaime Zapico, will travel with us too. We serve as the leadership team in the building at PFTSTA

Read about us on the JPPSS district website
Our proposal:
Teacher Collaboration + Student Engagement = Successful Learning
Program description:
Making connections and networking with fellow educators from around the world, and learning new technology techniques at the Building Learning Communities Conference (BLC14), the team will design lessons that allow students to collaborate with experts and other students beyond our classroom walls.


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