Happy Mardi Gras 2016

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Today is Mardi Gras. I am not in New Orleans right now to enjoy it because I am taking advantage of the week off from school to visit my father in Maine. At school last Friday, we had our annual Krewe of Taylor parade, and I thought it would be fun to share some pictures and videos of the day. 

6th grade's streetcar rolls down the street driven by our mascot, a white tiger

The juniors portray Shrek

The class of 2016 and the dancing toys of Toy Story
After the parade, each class put on a performance tied to the theme of their float to try and wow the judges. At the end of the day, awards went to the middle school and then to high school for the best float design, best theme, and most spirit. 

8th grade rocks out as the Wizard of Oz

Class of 2016 as dancing toys in the toy box

Here are the freshman dancing their hearts out


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