Teen Tech Week 2017

I always schedule a week's worth of activities for YALSA's Teen Tech Week (TTW). This year TTW was scheduled at the same time as the Louisiana Library Association annual conference. That meant I had to move TTW to the next week. I had work to do to prepare for conference, so I did not have time to plan TTW. Of course, that is no excuse, but I felt slammed. I like to have the students help me plan, but the school schedule seemed to be changing daily, and I did not see my book groups every week like usual. Then I returned from conference exhausted, and I ended up with the flu and missed two days of work. I finally was able to find three days in a row in March when I could offer activities in the library at lunch. 

Day 1:
We always have a day of movies for TTW. Since it falls after the Academy Awards, we usually schedule a showing of the animated shorts that were nominated for an Oscar. This year, it was much more difficult to find the movies except Piper. I did find some Pixar shorts that I thought the students would like. They were all a hit. 

Day 2:
I saw a post on Facebook about this company called Stick Together that makes giant posters for students to sticker by numbers. It is the same concept as the paint by numbers kits from years ago, but there is no mess of paint. The students use stickers. It was addicting, and the students completed the piece in about a week.

Day 3:
A couple of months ago members of National Honor Society and I took the Marshmallow Challenge to 4th graders at a nearby elementary school. I thought this activity would be ideal for TTW. Since I was running this activity at three different lunches, I had each team use their own iPad for their 18 minutes of work. That way the teams did not have to start at the same time. I bought individual prizes and had winning teams for middle school, 8th grade, and high school. Those are our three different lunches. The kids had such a blast that many returned the next week to see if they could improve the height of their free standing structure. 


  1. Stick Together! That is so cool- thanks for sharing.

    1. The kids really loved it from the 6th graders to the high schoolers.


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