Time to Celebrate our Freedom to Read, Students Weigh In

Every year, I conduct a lesson for the English I students to celebrate ALA's Banned Book Week. This lesson has grown over the years, and I am very proud with what the English teachers and I have done with the topic.

I will introduce the lesson using the slide presentation below. Please feel free to make a copy and adapt it for your own library. 

We want the students to take a stance by writing a well constructed paragraph using the resources that I pulled together for them as concrete evidence to support their stand. We also want this to be a real world experience. Meaning we want their responses to be published on the web for anyone to read. Last year, we had the students post their paragraph in the comment section of the BBW post on this blog. This proved to be an issue because some of the students' comments were posted immediately while others were sent to me to be moderated before posting. Students were frustrated not knowing where their paragraph had gone so some submitted multiple times. On the positive side, all comments are time stamped so the teachers knew if the students completed the task by the deadline. This time around the students will post on a Padlet created for the period in which they have English. The posts will not have a time stamp, but I can stop accepting anymore entries when the deadline hits. See the padlets below. I hope that you enjoy reading the students paragraphs and feel free to add a comment  of your own in the comments section of the blog or even the Padlet if it is still accepting comments. . 
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Made with Padlet
Made with Padlet
Made with Padlet


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