
This is unusal for me. I like to read one book at a time, so that I can actually finish them. Right now I am in the middle of three books. I was reading Promise of Happiness by Cartwright for my adult book group on my Kindle. Then I lent my Kindle to a student, so she could read the advanced reader's copy (ARC) of the book by Susan Pfeffer. I have 15 % left of the book. Then I started The Miles Between by Mary Pearson. I was so looking forward to it because I loved her The Adoration of Jenna Fox and A Room on Lorelei Street. Students loved those books too. This newest one is full of magical realism which is not one of my fav genres. So the Pearson book is sitting by my bed half read, half unread-it will probably stay that way. Then I got the ARC for The Jaguar Stones by J & P Voekel. The Voekels are making a visit to Taylor on April 20th, so I need to get that book read.

With so many unfinished titles, I have trouble getting any one of them completed. Along with the fact that I seem so busy. I have got to figure out how I can schedule some time for reading. This is the beautiful time of year for New Orleans when it is so pleasant to be outside. The fresh air is calling me.


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