Testing Week

One of my least favorite weeks of the year started today -- standardized testing week. This year I am monitoring the seniors, who are not testing, rather than acting as a hall monitor. I hope to get some work done on the days that we hang in the cafeteria. On Wednesday, we are heading to Jefferson Playground for some quality outdoor time.

On Friday is the second annual senior carnival. Last year we made $75 for the library by providing a jail. The kids loved it, but it was stressful for me because of the way that it was designed. So this year, I am trying a prize walk (like a cake walk with prizes instead of cakes). I hope to make money, but if all I do is make back the money that I spent setting up the game that is okay too.

I finally got a book completely read. I finished Promise of Happiness for book group. The problem is book group is this Saturday, and I might not be able to go. I hate when that happens.


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