Preparing for the Mock BOB in the library

Announcing the Mock BOB on the doors to the library
Not long ago I got an email from Shelley Diaz, an editor at School Library Journal. She was preparing for SLJ's annual Battle of the Kids Books, and she wanted to know if we wanted to participate in a Mock BOB that could be highlighted in SLJ. I don't know how to say no, so I readily agreed. The BOB begins the same week as Teen Tech Week. So I have decided to combine them this year. I will have lots more to say about our Mock BOB as it gets closer to D-Day, March 10th. Just so you know, the gauntlet has been thrown, so. I created the video below to share with all of my students to get them armed and ready. 


  1. I was completely unaware of Battle of the Books - in fact I was totally confused by a Mock BOB. Looking forward to reading more about it.


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