Seventh Graders Create an Amazing Product for the Ninth Ward Unit

Book Buddies: 7th graders work with the 1st graders at King Charter School
We had a new to us middle school ELA teacher at our school this year. She has around 12 years under her belt with gifted 6th graders in New Jersey. PFTSTA was so lucky to get her. Every time that we talked about lessons and activities, I was amazed at her ability to think everything through ahead of time. She is very detailed oriented, and it showed in her lessons. She took our 7th grade Ninth Ward unit and turned it on its ear. Her students were required to create a product using Google Slides that would showcase all that they had learned about New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina including the rebuilding efforts. They were required to conduct an interview with a family member who was effected by the hurricane and we took them on a field trip to view the rebuilding efforts with our own eyes and complete some service learning when we visited an elementary school in the Ninth Ward. Some of the products were truly outstanding. I am sharing several of them with you here. You may not want to look at all 30 something slides for each presentation. I suggest some slides that you might find interesting and enlightening. One student didn't interview a family member, but instead reached out to one of the television meteorologists for her interview. Now that was some awesome creativity. 

Go to slide 10 to read about Emily's interview with the meterologist
Go to slide 27 to read about Jazzy's reflection of visiting 1st graders at King Charter School
Go to slide 50 to read Faith's newspaper article that she wrote about her experiences with this project

Go to slide 10 to read Gabby's interview with her Mom about losing everything in the storm

Go to slide 36 to read Madison's reflection on the project and her acknowledgements on slide 39


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