Super Skype Session Today!

Today a 7th grade English class skyped with Lisa Brown, one of the authors of 
The book is a ghost story set in Boston during the American Civil War. 

She may have been 2000 miles away in San Francisco, but it really felt like Lisa was visiting us right in the school's library. 

The students' teacher, Mrs. North, read the book out loud to them (most of it). Two lucky members of the class are going to win their own copy of the book. There will be two contests. Students can either write a ghost story, and the winner will get a book and get to send a copy of their story to Lisa Brown. Or the students can draw or design a picture illustrating one of the ghost visitations from the book. 

We set up our minuscule sized library auditorium style. The laptop with the camera was hooked up to the whiteboard, so the students could easily see Lisa. 

In the above picture, you can see that Lisa donned a bonnet to give us a little taste of the 19th century period. She had a corset to show us too, but she said that it was so uncomfortable that she was not going to model it for us. She is sitting in her office where she does her work. We liked seeing all the books on the shelves behind her. She told us that the ones we see are only part of her collection. 

Here are some letters that Lisa and Adele Griffin wrote to mimic the period. Without cell phones or the Internet, people had to write long hand to correspond with their loved ones. 
Do you remember that?

Here is a shot of Mrs. North with the class. 
We want to thank Paul Samuelson and Sourcebooks for sponsoring this author event at Patrick Taylor. 


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