Pics Tell the Story of TTW @ PFTSTA Library

At Taylor we had to celebrate Teen Tech Week, sponsored by YALSA,  a week early because of Mardi Gras. I decided to be a little low key this year. Students could play the Research Riddles daily. On Friday, I pulled a middle school student, Ariadne Landaeta, and a high school student, Enjoli Gilbert, from each jar. Both of them will get an iTunes gift card.
Pictured is a sixth grader adding his answers to the jar. Everyone who played got a small prize.

On Tuesday and Thursday during lunch, I scheduled a class to make kaleidocycles that I found on the website: Students who signed up for the class had to send me four pictures ahead of time. I created the template for them on cardstock. When they came to the library, they had to score, cut, fold, and glue to create their hex kaleidocycle. Some sent me pics of the musical stars that they admire, others sent me family pics, and others found some nature pics that they liked. The best ones had pictures with contrasting colors. Here are some pictures that shows what we did.
This is what they looked like after printing.

We only had one bottle of glue, so  a member of  Bookmarked was the designated glue girl.

The finished hex.

Another student happy with the results.


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