Research Riddles for 3.4.2011

R R 4 TTW 10

March 4th
You can play Research Riddles every day. Visit the library with the correct answer, and you will win a prize. You will use a pre-printed form to write down your answer/s and the source/s where you got the information. I don’t need a citation, but you need to state if you found your answer on Gale or Britannica or World Book. If you used a website, then you need to give me the name of the website or its URL.
Google would NOT be the name of a website. 
Questions of the day:
The first case of the Spanish Flu was recorded on  March 4, 1918; this marked the start of a devastating worldwide pandemic.

1.     The first cases originated at Camp Funston, Kansas. How did the flu travel to Europe? 
2.     What percent of people under 30 in the United States contracted the flu during this pandemic? 

A flu ward at Camp Funston in Kansas


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