Skyping in the Field

The A marks where we were standing during the Skype session

Today the 7th graders, two English teachers, the PE teacher who drove the bus and myself headed down to the Ninth Ward. The students had read Jewell Parker Rhodes' book, The Ninth Ward. The students have also teamed up with a 7th grade class in Van Meter, IA. They have been communicating with these students via Edmodo. Today on the field trip, we skyped using my iPhone with the students in Iowa. We asked six of our students to be the eyes and ears for the students in Iowa. We showed the Iowans some of the Make It Right Houses built from the foundation that Brad Pitt created. The kids in Iowa asked us some questions. Most of these questions centered on the students' personal experiences during Hurricane Katrina. It was a great experience. I have more pics to share in later posts. Below you can see us skyping with the phone. 

Yes, 3G works in the field. It is not an ideal way to Skype, but we got our point across and were able to share New Orleans with the students in Iowa. The Patrick Taylor students used iPads to film today's journey and will create movies to share with Van Meter. 

We had to huddle around the phone to hear the Iowa students'  questions


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