Putting a Little Color on the Walls of the New Library

I am not sure if the year old school and school library count as new anymore, but the teachers were not allowed to put any holes in the wall or hang any posters or art last school year. The school had a year warranty with the construction company, and the principal did not want to void that warranty by any damage caused by one of us. Actually, I did not mind the restriction because I was busy enough trying to organize the new library and figure out how I was going to make it work for my program. 

The large empty wall that I see from the circulation desk

The other day as I was looking at photos to use on the library website, I realized that the wall I see from the circulation desk was immense and void of anything. I knew that I needed to figure out how to dress it up. I was making a DEMCO order, and as I perused the online catalog, I found some wall decals that I thought would suit my purpose very well. 

Packaging for the dots, each package holds 18 decals
I ordered two packages of the decals, and  I would be receiving 36 different circles in various colors and sizes. When the order arrived, I asked my student worker, Jazmine Wells, if she would draw out the design for placement of the circles. She took out paper and pencil and came up with this. 

Original design for the dots
She works with me during third period, and I was worried that we would not be able to finish in an hour and a half. So, earlier in the day, I took my blue tape and marked off the swirl that we were going to use as our guide. 

I begin the process of marking the wall

The wall is ready
As we started to place the circles, we made adjustments to the shape of our design. When we finished the initial design, we had circles left over and had to make a plan as to where they would be placed. We attached them to the wall without a guide, and we were happy with the placement until we got to the last circle. It took us a couple of tries to find a home for it. The nice thing about these decals is that they are easy to lift off and re-position. Knowing how forgiving these decals are made it much easier to begin. I knew that I wouldn't be stuck with a circle in the wrong place. (Pun intended.)

Jazmine helps to place the circles
The wall in process of getting decorated

Some students helped with the placement of the circles

The wall is completed


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