JPL Librarians Visit PFTSTA for TTW

JPL website
Today, I invited the teen librarians, Selena Muhoberac and Erin Korosi, from the Jefferson Public Library to teach my students how to download eBooks and audio books onto their electronic devices. Some of the students didn't understand at first that they could download these for free. Unfortunately, today is also March 14, which means that it is Pi Day. The Mu Alpha Theta members were selling pie and playing games for Pi Day. Downloading books was just not as appealing as pie. Only two high school students attended, but there were about a dozen middle school students. The best part was that I heard the presentation twice, so now I have a handle on how to download books and could easily help the students. The worst part is Jefferson is switching from Overdrive to 3M to supply the eBooks in late April. The librarians hadn't used 3M and didn't know if the same books would be available or if it would be a different collection. We will just have to wait and see, but they promised they would return to teach the students how to use 3M when it is in place. 

Selena describes how to download on a Nook
Thank you Selena and Erin for helping us celebrate Teen Tech Week 13 at PFTSTA. 


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