Presenting at the Louisiana Library Association Annual Conference

The beginning of my prezi
Yesterday, I presented at the annual Louisiana Library Association Conference in Baton Rouge.The title of my presentation was: "Become a 21st Century School Librarian: Learn How to Harness Digital Resources" I wanted the visuals that I used to look really spiffy, so I asked a student to help me. Mark Parfait, a ninth grader, created a wonderful Prezi out of the text and images that I gave him. Open here to see that Prezi. Since collaboration is a big part of 21st century skills, I was modeling true collaboration between a student and a teacher.

Smiling, presentation is done
I know that I had over 48 attendees because that was the number of bookmarks that I created with a link to the handout for my presentation, and I ran out of them. I felt terrible about that because I always hate it when I don't get the resource packet that a presenter has created. I built a wiki for all of those  resources. Click below to open the wiki.


This was actually my first major presentation going solo. I like presenting with my colleagues, but this time I decided to do it alone. Now I know that I can talk for 45 minutes straight without stopping. In high school, I got a C in speech only because Mr. Breaud liked me. I know that I didn't deserve it. It's good to know that you can still learn a few things once you become an adult.


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